Hi there 👋🏻

I am Rico Trebeljahr. A programmer, traveler, photographer, writer and fellow human. This is my personal website. It's where I write, publish my newsletter, collect booknotes, quotes, traveling stories, and photography.

Wanna know what I like on the internet? I have a /needlestack page.

Wanna know what makes me tick? I have a /principles page.

Wanna know what I am up to? I have a /now page.

Writing 📝

Writing, to me, is a way to think more clearly about something. In the process I gain a better understanding and I aim to share this understanding with you. This is why this blog exists. I write about a wide wide list of things, among them philosophy, programming, AI and productivity—all topics that interest me, deeply.

In my writing, I strive to be deep instead of shallow. Exhaustive, instead of brief. I want to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of a topic, not just a superficial overview.

Traveling Stories 🌍

Traveling, to me, is about storytelling and learning how different places feel. Photography is an integral part of that and I love to capture the moments I experience and combine them with words so that I can inspire others to travel, too.

My unwritten rule is to have an adventure a year: going around in a Tuk Tuk in India, crossing the Atlantic by sailboat, hiking across the whole Alps, or cycling across South America, I've done those!

Live and Learn Newsletter 💌

Live and Learn is a newsletter about all the crazy things that happen in the world of AI and technology. I send it out every two weeks on a Sunday, distilling down hundreds of links and articles into a few that I think are worth sharing, and providing short summaries on why these developments matter.

Reading it should save you a couple of hours of research every two weeks.

Subscribe to Live and Learn 🌱

Join the Live and Learn Newsletter to receive updates on what happens in the world of AI and technology every two weeks on Sunday!

Check out what you missed so far.

Booknotes 📚

I read a lot and usually take notes because this is one of the best ways to learn information and remember it. My goal is to read 1000 books in my lifetime, then pick the best 50 and read them over and over again. Reading has taught me so so much already and I am sharing my notes here because I hope you can learn from them too.

These booknotes can help you choose which books you might want to read, too.


You can also find me on other places around the internet, like Instagram, Github, LinkedIn, Twitter, or at my Portfolio.