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What I am doing right now

This is a Now Page. It is inspired by Derek Sivers and is a place where I share what I am doing right now. I try to update it whenever something significant changes.

Right now I am spending most of my time cycling around South America. For Christmas I am going to be in a small Finca in the middle of Nowhere, close to Fusagasugá, Colombia. I am going to be there for another week or so, and then I am going to cycle down towards Ecuador.

I write a newsletter every two weeks on Sunday, called Live and Learn, where I share links to what I have read and found awesome in the past two weeks. The newsletter is mostly about AI these days because there is so much happening in this space. My goal for 2025 is to get 1000 subscribers on it.

I've also updated the landing page of this website recently, to make it more clear what I am doing and make my content more discoverable. It's now wayyy more pretty, too, which is a nice little bonus.