An Island of Jungle Hikes, Beaches, and Coral Reefs

GR-G1 - Day 1 - Beginning the Trace du AlicΓ©s
Today we left the boat of Sara after having spent over a week with her and the others on the small island of Marie Galante. It was a bitter sweet moment to say goodbye like this, but in the end it was the right moment to leave.

GR-G1 - Day 2 - A Crazy Hike
Today I wake up and it's dark because the inside of the hut where we slept doesn't have any real windows. Glass might break and is expensive and open windows would allow rats and all sorts of animals to come into the shelter. It's still early.

GR-G1 - Day 3 - Reaching the Beach
We sleep a bit longer than we would have liked to, but after the gruelling march of the day before, this is understandable. Nothing has really dried and getting back into the wet, grimy dirt clothes from the day before is a pain, but a necessary evil.

GR-G1 - Day 4 - Resting
I wake up really early, but even though I am still tired I can't quite make myself fall back asleep, outside I can see a beautiful sunset starting to begin. It's around 6:00 and I grab my camera, phone, and headphones, get out and watch the sunrise.

GR-G1 - Day 5 - The Carbet Falls
We wake up early in the morning because we have a lot of hiking to do this day. First we walk up the small roads towards the end of the city of Capesterre de Bel Eau. On the way we meet a friendly man with a machete. He's cutting down some of his banana trees.

GR-G1 - Day 6 - La Soufriere
We wake up early again because we want to hike far today. The plan is to go up to the Soufriere Volcano, the biggest mountain in Guadeloupe and we were told the day before that the way up is hard and arduous.

Arriving in Tikazalou Hostel after the Hike
After the crazy hike of the GR-G1, we slept one night in Malendure, a small town on the coast of Basse Terre. But we wanted to find a different place to stay. Lou, one of the people we met while hitchhiking, came to mind.

Diving in the Caribbean
One day in Tikazalou, Juliane, one of the people from the hostel, said that he was going diving today. He asked people if they wanted to join him and I considered for some time and then said: "hell yeah, let's do it". I hadn't dived in over 6 years.

Saut d'Acomat, Slacklines, and a Piano
The time in Tikazalou was punctured by beautiful little moments, excursions in between, places that we went to. Places that were simply beautiful and which I would like to write about (and go back again). One day after diving we went to a small waterfall known as "Saut d'Acomat".

Plage du Bosco and other Hidden Gems
The days in Tikazalou blend into one another. A mix of beautiful moments, a sort of routine that settles in, with nice people and simply a good time and vibe. But some days we have little adventures that feel more like traveling and less like being in a cozy home.

Exploring the Waterfalls near Tikazalou
The plan for today was to go see a bunch of waterfalls in the North of Guadeloupe in Basse Terre. A little excursion to interrupt the routine of Tikazalou. We knew that there would be four waterfalls at least.

Surfing in Port Luis
After spending so much time in Tikazalou, I felt it was time for a change, and I had heard that surfing would be good in a small town on the other side of Guadeloupe called Port Luis. So I went. And I wasn't disappointed.