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Sketchplanations, AI and Armageddon – Live and Learn #1

mountain lake in the italian alps

This is my first newsletter, *ever*. The idea of this newsletter is to send 1 photo, 1 book note, 1 post, 1 status update, 1 song and some links to awesome places on the internet. I hope you enjoy this first edition of Live and Learn.

And yup, this is kinda like an ongoing /pages/needlestack. So here we go:

📖 Book Notes 📖

Navalmanack - Naval Ravikant

✍️ Post ✍️

Morning Meditation

A post about enjoying the beauty of early autumn mornings in Berlin.

💻 Status Update 💻

For most of this month, I've been working on fractal.garden. It's been a wild month but the site is slowly coming to fruition (excuse the pun). If looking at beautiful fractal patterns is your thing, then you should 100% check it out!

Roughly 1 week of this month was spent creating this very newsletter and the capabilities to deliver more like it in the future. I am working on creating a write-up of how I built everything and all the technology behind this effort.

🎶 Song 🎶

Timber Hearth by Andrew Prahlow, from the "Outer Wilds" Soundtrack:

YouTube Music | Spotify

Sketchplanations by Jono Hey

Awesome sketches, simplifying complicated topics into memorable images... I want to buy half of them as prints, simply because they are soo good.

Let's talk about Margins by Craig Mod

Beautifully written – a post about the attention to detail – and the feeling of "good paper". This moved me.

Armageddon by Julian Shapiro

Nuclear War might be inevitable... This post dives into the topic and made my hair stand on end. Absorbing the idea of total annihilation of everything is intense but gives perspective. Make the time count.


Hands down, the most mindblowing thing I found out about this month. Maybe this whole year.

It takes in text and spits out beautiful images. It's like you can imagine anything and get a beautiful drawing for it... for free.

Here are a few images I've created with it:

Isn't this absolutely, completely nuts?! Crazy?!

The prompt I used:

rusty overgrown humanoid robot cleaning abandoned building overgrown with lush vegetation, dust, broken windows, photorealistic, cinematic

My mind was blown by Midjourney. It still is. The possibilities it opens up! Now everybody who knows English can create beautiful art. I mean what?!

However... this is just the beginning.

Tools like Midjourney will invade our working lives more and more over the coming years, something that makes me excited as well as terrified.

Images, Music, Code, Text, Video, 3D models, eventually it all will just be a few English commands away.

You only have to write a prompt for it. So, make the most of it.

I hope you enjoyed reading, I set up a feedback form, so if there's anything you would like to add, see changed, have complaints about or anything else, let me know!

Take care and enjoy your day!

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