Metaverse Interviews, GPT Improvements and Meta Connect β Live and Learn #26
Welcome to this edition of Live and Learn. This time with a lot of updates from Meta about the awesome things they have been building, some mindblowing announcements for ChatGPT, and an amazing podcast interview from my favorite, Lex Fridman. As always I hope you enjoy this edition of Live and Learn.
β¨ Quote β¨
You will live more curiously if you write. You will become a scientist, if not of the natural world then of whatever world you care about. More of that world will pop alive. You will see more when you look at it.
β James Somers β (source)
ChatGPT can now see hear and speak by Open AI. ChatGPT got much better, kind of overnight. It can now hear, see, and speak. In other words, you can input images and voice prompts into ChatGPT, and it will happily answer you with a human-like voice. This makes it even more accessible than before. The image mode especially is ridiculously good at helping with tasks that ChatGPT previously couldn't handle because they required visual input. I am looking forward to how this combines with the Dalleβ3 integration, once I get access to it.
Meta Connect. I like watching keynotes like this one tremendously. To me, the coolest announcement of the whole show was that of good and affordable AR glasses for as little as $299 USD. Stuff like this reminds me of the fact that we are living in the future. Technological progress is accelerating every year and watching keynotes lets me viscerally feel that. Every year mindblowing stuff happens, and we get to know about it. And it doesn't matter whether it's from Meta, Google, Nvidia, or somewhere else. It gets me excited about what is yet to come and I like that feeling.
Array Labs 3D Mapping Earth from Space by Not Boring. In this piece, Packy McCormick dives into the details of a company that has the bold plan to create a high-resolution 3D map of the Earth. The main takeaway is this: If they can pull it off, the company is going to be very very successful. However, they need to solve extreme technical challenges in order to get there. But they are building the teams and the technology to do exactly that. Having a 3D map of the Earth with 10 cm per pixel resolution would be awesome and enable a lot of cool stuff. Data provided by Array Labs could become a platform for people to build amazing stuff on. Think AR, self-driving cars, and military spy operations...
Metaverse Interview with Mark Zuckerberg by Lex Fridman. WTF. Not only is this a good interview in true Lex Fridman style but a first of its kind. The whole interview was conducted in the Metaverse with digital avatars that look and feel like humans. Even just watching the video is crazy because it's like watching Lex Fridman and Mark Zuckerberg having a real conversation. What would this sort of technology feel like if one actually was wearing proper VR/AR headsets? I think soon many of us will be able to find out. Also, I highly recommend reading the comment section of this video, it's hilarious.
The Chemical Code by Enveda. We know a lot about the genetic code, but that doesn't mean that we know how cells really work. Because to do that we would need to know about the chemistry going on inside of cells. Turns out we pretty much don't understand or even really know about 95% of the chemistry that is happening right within us. And that is obviously bad. This piece dives into the ideas of how we can do better than this and how Enveda Biosciences is executing these ideas right now to create a new kind of drug discovery platform.
π Traveling π
πΆ Song πΆ
You by Petite Biscuit
That's all for this time. I hope you found this newsletter useful, beautiful, or even both!
Have ideas for improving it? As always please let me know.
β Rico
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