by Spinoza
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Nature as we see it has to be caused by something. That something can either be itself or some other self causing thing - god. The world exists in one way, and if a god had created it why did he choose this way? Because his decision is based in rules from his nature and these rules made him create the world as we know it. It's not an act of choice, but a matter of rules of how God works, that determines how nature works. And God and nature might just be the same concept. Physics, the things that exist according to certain rules and follow them.
Humans can become free by understanding those rules.
Minds and atoms are both expressions of that fundamental order of nature underneath. Explanations of stuff that happens can take both directions, we move because atoms do something or because we thought to do so. Both are valid descriptions.
Everything can be ordered along it's complexity. The complexity of animal brains is lower than that of human brains. Everything is animated, but to different degrees. An elementary particle has less complexity than everything else, it's the least animated. Complex things can have perceptions. More complexity => more complex perceptions possible.
All individual things, from top to bottom of the scale, strive to preserve themselves and to protect and extend their independence of the environment as far as they can.
Social harmony and peace is the common interest of all reasonable persons as they strive to survive.
Actions, thoughts and desires have matching structures in the space of atoms. Atoms move when we think. Spinoza thought that there is a third, underlying thing making both move at the same time. Nowadays we know that thoughts and agential properties arise from the motion of physical structures.
Everything comes from God or Nature, both the realm of thoughts and the realm of physics. Things happening in the realm of thoughts always coincide with things happening in the realm of physics.
There are two different sets of causes. Fundamental causes and causal chains that end in fundamental causes. Fundamental causes are universally true ideas, expressions about the nature of reality of God or Nature.
Intellectual subjects have an order to them, from simple to complex, but also from eternal to specific to the moment. Insight into how nature works => physics, mathematics hoist up more complicated subjects like biology, or medicine.
Book Recommendation: The Guide of the Perplexed - Maimonides
Book Recommendation: Theological Political Treatise - Spinoza
Book Recommendation: The Political Treatise - Spinoza
Everyone should try to create the conditions for security, peace of mind and for the active enjoyment of one's own powers, physical and mental.
People strive to maintain their identities against outside forces, nature, trying to disperse them.
It's not the person only that we are trying to preserve, but also the genetic component, hence we fight for our brothers, children and families.
Reflecting on reactions and acting on them frees man and helps him survive and have more peace of mind.
Rationalism and enlightened morals are only ever a minority in the greater public.
Book recommendation: On the correction of the Understanding - Spinoza
The Ethics
I. Of God
To be able to exist is to have power.
II. Of the Mind
By reality and perfection I understand the same thing.